Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The next Elder Scrolls

Here's a list of things which will undoubtedly improve the quality of the next Elder Scrolls RPG.
While both Morrowind and Oblivion were fantastic games, I think there's room for constructive criticism for how Bethesda can improve them. So here we go.

-Mix it up more with the cities: more like was done in Morrowind. Give each city a more distinct feel: using both building styles, layout, and very importantly geography. Make towns set upon towering cliffs. Have an underwater town for an amphibious race.

-Which brings me to the next point: you need to include characters and species which the player can come across and say WOW as they are amazed, terrified, and intrigued by the appearances, behaviour, and language/dialect. This means making them not available as player-characters. Which worked fine in Morrowind, but really wasn't touched in Oblivion. The ancient character (Who I think was somewhat slug-like) in an underground section of Morrowind was a great example of this. New amazing characters, both good and bad, are a key feature of fantasy stories. Perhaps the most important feature.

-Don't let the player travel over the country/land at the click of a button. At least not until the later stages of the game. Encourage the player to discover the land, without giving them the chance to teleport through the game like a mystic magician on crack.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Grand Theft Auto: informed speculations

Here is a speculative list of what Rockstar games will do in order to make 'GTA 4' the best game ever. In no particular order:

-The game will be set somewhere in Europe. Probably England. There will be more than one major city featured, but they will all be within a feasibly close distance. The game will of course exaggerate their closeness for the sake of gameplay, but not too ridiculously. The map will not be much bigger in size than San Andreas.
My guess: London, Liverpool and Manchester.
What would be cool: London, Newcastle, Edinburgh
Where it won't be set: Japan, China, Canada, Mexico, America. Among other obvious choices.

-The time period: depends on where it is set. England in the 60s, 70s or perhaps late 80's Thatcher England might be considered. If Rockstar want to hit upon the most exciting, vibrant time of the country/setting, they probably won't make it too contemporary. But its still possible.
With the specific setting also comes a variety of different songs. This is major reason why I see England as a setting: Rockstar have done all that they can with American music. British music is largely untapped, and only used in rare amounts. Music native to other countries is simply not as radio-friendly as music from America, Europe, and other countries of that nature. Can I make this statement? Yes, because lets face it, its true. I won't bother speculating on what songs will be featured; I'll leave that up to Rockstar and their originality when it comes to radio stations.

Sunday, January 28, 2007